Combine with the LEGO Super Mario Starter Set to challenge new challenges to balance and defeat the attack of the Dorst! Set the LEGO Mario figure (sold separately) into the lava lift and start it. Balance the lifts that move side-to-side while thrilling and defeat the dossens to get a coin. Of course, be careful with bubbles.
Toys The Ras Exclusive LEGO Super Mario 71376 Dosson Throtting Challenge
LEGO 71366 Super Mario Magnum Killer's Guru Challenge
LEGO Super Mario Propeller Mario Power Up Pack 71371
Toys The Ras Exclusive LEGO Super Mario 71376 Dosson Throtting Challenge
Stok 8
Informasi Tambahan
Berat | 0,5 kg |
Model Number | 71376 |
Number of Pieces | 393 |
Batteries Required? | No |
Batteries Included | No |
Target Gender | Female |
Item model number | 71376 |
Product Dimensions | 35.4 x 19.1 x 9.1 cm; 459 g |
Date First Available | November 23, 2020 |
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